X close button for retina displays

X close button for retina displays


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zagorskey submitted a new resource:

X close button for retina displays - Lose an image, save request, make it look even better

Close button looks blurry on zoom-in when on touch device? Not anymore. Just add this to your EXTRA.css

.xenOverlay a.close
    top: 8px;
    right: 8px;
    width: 23px;
    height: 23px;
    background: #2e5660;
    border: 2px solid #fff;
    border-radius: 50%;

.xenOverlay a.close:before
    content: '×';
    color: #fff;
    font: 32px/24px Arial;

The '×' is a rare symbol that not many people take advantage of and they should.

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I think you may need to remove the background image called via:

overlayCloseControl (admin cp search) or else it still loads the image as far as I'm aware. But it's a nice modification we've been doing it to some of our work lately.
hey guys, please forgive me being a noob with forums, but where do i find the EXTRA.css at?


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