That wont be anything that XF can really control. If they have a limited set of IP's, and if some of the sites they host are on those IP's are listed in a "no-no" list, then ALL sites on that IP will be banned if based upon IP connections. If it's based upon domain names, then it's easier to get around as you can request whatever firewall they are using to put an exception into their list for your domain.. maybe they will... but most likely they won't. But again, that is NOT something that XenForo can (nor should) be involved in... that is your responsibility as the domain owner or the end users at their work. And honestly, if I was an employee using my work computer for personal stuff, I wouldn't be willing to contact IT either as it would probably result in at least a corrective warning. The clinic I do volunteer IT work for recently terminated an employee after repeated use (and warnings about) of company equipment for personal pursuits. She felt it was her "right" since she was on lunch... not thinking about who actually pays for the hardware, the bandwidth and the support of that computer. There is a REASON we minimize personal use... there's 2 Linux desktops set up in the lunchroom they can use that are firewalled off from the main infrastructure that were targeted toward that exact use. Only thing, they can't easily sit in front of them and eat their munchies like they could at their desk.