XF 1.1 Width Size? Fluid and fixed?


Active member
Hello everyone,

I have a question. Up until today my website was fluid. Meaning the site was as large (width wise) as
how ever big your screen was. It looked ok, but fixed looks a lot better. I want the forums width to be
1024x. This is good for 90% of the community, however there are those using 960x and on phones and
the sidebar gets slightly cut off. Is there anyway to have the width be 1024x for those with that resolution
and above, and anyone below it get a Fluid resolution or at least 960x so the site isn't cut off?

Thank you!
When you define the width of your site, use max-width: 1024px, and as long as you don't have responsive code that modifies it, it will be fluid < 1024px and fixed when > 1024 px.
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