Why is this listener deaf: XenForo_BbCode_TextWrapper ?


Well-known member
I can listen to XenForo_BbCode_Parser with the Load Class listener. But the same listener is absolutely deaf to XenForo_BbCode_TextWrapper :(

  public static function LoadClass($class, array &$extend)
     switch ($class)
       case 'XenForo_BbCode_Parser':ZEND_DEBUG::dump("Parser Listener");
         $extend[] = 'Wb_BbCode_Parser';
       case 'XenForo_BbCode_TextWrapper':ZEND_DEBUG::dump("Wb_BbCode_TextWrapper Listener");
         $extend[] = 'Wb_BbCode_TextWrapper';
Tried three hours doing that on a sunny sunday :D Do you think it's going to be part of the proxy system in the future?

Do you have any idea how to use the Parser:: parse() function for getting the BBCode Tree of my messages? The idea behind is, that I want to create a database table (post_id, bbcode_tag, bbcode_option, bbcode_children) and parse() is *the* function for doing so. I could not access Parse:: parse() from ControllerPublic, so I thought about hooking into TextWrapper as I have access there to $content_id.
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As the listener is deaf for the TextWrapper, I created my own MyTextWrapper. It works now.
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