XF 2.3 Why does push alert use app name plus forum name? how to fix?



So i enabled push notifications PWA on my forum and im testing it with my ios device. Works okay but I noticed currently it says this:

New alert from App Name (i think its app name)
from Forum (my forum name)

now my app name is obviously my forum name and my forum name is the same as well...

So it looks like this

New alert from TechForums
from Techforums

It looks stupid and doesnt make sense... is there a way to fix this? perhaps hide the from techforums second line and just hope the user named it what they wanted to call the forums?

Let me know, right now its just duplicated and I dont think that is right....

Also when I do click on the new alert, I just get sent to the home page everytime, and now the thread that someone replied to me from. not sure if that is a known bug or missing feature, just seems odd as the user does have to go to their alerts then manually or find the post it was referring to.
bump on this please? still on going issue and looks ugly, would just want to see where i could remove one of those lines / change the phrasing as i dont see it in phrases?
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