XF 1.2 Why Do Threads Get Marked as Read from Internet Connection Problems?


Well-known member
I'll seldom deal with a hiccup where my computer loses Internet connection, but my mom's doesn't, so I know it's not the Internet. (I think maybe it's from AVG's scans that sometimes interfere.)

Anyway, to remedy that, I have to restart my computer, and when I get back on, I see threads that I haven't even read marked as read. I know it's not my session because it's not even 10 minutes.

To give an example, say I go to New Posts at 9:10 AM and there are three threads. At 9:20 AM, 10 minutes later, I refresh the New Posts page and get five new unread threads. However, at 9:22 AM, I encounter a hiccup on my computer with the Internet. I restart it and get back online at, say, 9:30 AM. Everything that I was viewing at 9:20 AM is marked as read even though I never read all that.
If you had sent a request to the thread (ie loading when you lost the connection), the server still responds as if you read the thread. You have to actually click on the links tho.
If you had sent a request to the thread (ie loading when you lost the connection), the server still responds as if you read the thread. You have to actually click on the links tho.

I don't click any, though, actually. All threads from before I get back online are marked as read, even though I didn't read them. I mean, they still show in New Posts and don't disappear like when you actually visit them, but they're not in bold, and I get this message as if I've actually been inactive for over an hour:

Threads below this have not been updated since your last visit but have unread messages.
That's just how New Posts styles them. If you'd like to change it you can modify the appropriate template.

What I'm saying is that all new posts appear as bold normally. If I just had no activity for 30 minutes, and I clicked New Posts again, threads from 30 minutes before would still be bold. However, if I had no activity for 30 minutes due to an Internet hiccup and having to restart my computer, those threads from 30 minutes before would lose the bold typeface and get that message above them.

Anyway, I was asking because it was happening here and on KH-Vids, where I'm not staff. The places I'm staff on barely have activity right now. It's not too big of a deal, though, I was just curious as to why it happened.
Its session based. Once you lose session and receive a new one, anything that's older than that is shown but is under the "no activity since last visit" messages. As you continue to browse the site, your session is maintained. Once you lose internet or leave, you receive a new session. Its just the styling which can be changed via templates.
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