WHM/cPanel users that are having trouble detecting ImageMagick!


Well-known member
Everything seems to be installed proper according to that guide but xenforo still cant detect it as being installed (the feature is greyed out) and i cant seem to find a solution at those links.
Any idea what could be done? When i requested support from the host they said its installed and should be working aswell so i have no clue.
Remember there's install imagemagick rpm + also installing imagick php extension (whm refers to them as apache bindings).

zenthal, you're probably missing the later
Seems with PHP 5.4, Xenforo doesn't detect anymore Imagemagick... :)
Worked fine on my Debian systems before I upgraded PHP to the latest 5.5.x versions (and works fine with those versions also).
Of course, with using Debian I don't have the curse of cPanel hanging over my head. :p
Seems with PHP 5.4, Xenforo doesn't detect anymore Imagemagick... :)
It works fine for me with PHP 5.4. The problem with cPanel's crappy 3rd party scripts that they have an old versions of everything, so it's better to do a manual install.
Also, the latest Stable release of cPanel as of this writing is Hosts should get with the program, because there are loads of updates.
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