Where do I install a script for tracking pages copied?

Divinum Fiat

Well-known member
Hi All,

I'm trying to copy this script to track what pages and things are being copied from my site. In WP I would put this in editor/header and before </head> but in XF I don't know where to put it. Help?

Thank you!

<!-- BEGIN Tynt Script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var Tynt=Tynt||[];Tynt.push('bVWVGQ1uer4OL3acwqm_6l');
(function(){var s=document.createElement ('script');s.async="async";s.type="text/javascript";s.src='http://tcr.tynt.com/ti.js';var h=document.getElementsByTagName ('script')[0];h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h);})();
<!-- END Tynt Script -->
Where can additional JavaScript be placed?
Additional JavaScript can be placed in the PAGE_CONTAINER, page_container_js_head or page_container_js_body templates. If PAGE_CONTAINER is used, it can be placed anywhere in the template. If page_container_js_head is used, it will be included in the head section of PAGE_CONTAINER. If page_container_js_body is used, it will be included in the body section of PAGE_CONTAINER, after the footer. It depends on the JavaScript to a large extent; some require to be placed in the head, some in the body.

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