XF 2.2 Where can I find "mail delivery failed" reports?


Well-known member

The default email address we are using in our forum is "@live.com" with the default email options in xenforo panel. Now if the user enter wrong email during registration and the system failed to send him the confirmation email, then I should receive a "mail delivery failed" email informing me that the system tried to send this message to the wrong email but failed due to reasons ....

Where can I find those "mail delivery failed" emails?

Below is the email options page in our forum:



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The default email address we are using in our forum is "@live.com" with the default email options in xenforo panel.
Thus, you're using your local email system to masquerade itself as a sender for @live.com emails. This will almost guarantee that most recipient email servers will reject receipt of your messages from your mail system.

then I should receive a "mail delivery failed" email informing me that the system tried to send this message to the wrong email but failed due to reasons ....
That will depend upon how your local mail system has been configured.
ACP > Options > Email options
Bounced email address:
If an email cannot be delivered, the bounce notification will be returned to this email address. If left blank, bounced messages will be returned to the default email address. A value is required here if automated bounce handling is to be enabled. Note that this option may not work unless the return path parameter is enabled or mail is sent via SMTP using the Email Transport option.
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