RM 1.1 Where are uploaded files saved?


Active member

I use resource manager to upload text documents.

Now I would like to modify resource manager templates and add a preview button for these documents. For this purpose I would need the file path for my uploaded documents.

I just realized that the download button of a single resource does not link to the dowload file directly. So my question is how I can find out the server path for a single download file.

regards, rhodes
In the internal_data directory.

There are two database tables involved as far as attachments are concerned - xf_attachment and xf_attachment_data.
Thank you both @Brogan and @Walter .

All files are saved like this "16-qzrioz294hrhljrqjoqr.data", where 16 is the data_id and the rest the file hash. So I can recover the orignial file name. That's fine.
However, the only thing which is not clear for me is how the attachment directories are organized. Now I have a structure

internal_data -> attachments -> 0 ,

where 16-qzrioz294hrhljrqjoqr.data is saved, for example. If I upload a lot of attachments will XF create a folder 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and if so where can I get the information in which of these folders I can find my .data.
Each folder holds 1000 files, with attachments with an id of 1-999 being in folder 0, 1,000-1,999 in folder 1, and so on.

The folders are created automatically every time the attachment ID reaches a multiple of 1,000.
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