I'm wanting the "0" in the Report Count to be removed when there's no reports. I followed this thread: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/remove-zero-count-in-moderator-bar.29082/ - which works, but removes styling from the bubble when there's a report. I'm using a theme.
This is what it should look like:
This is what it looks like when I add <xen:if is="{$session.moderationCounts.total} !=0">
It's okay, but it doesn't really catch your eye and let you know that there's a report. I wanted to remove the bubble when there's no reports, because my theme always shows the red bubble, even when there's 0 reports.
This is my full code:
I've tried changing it to a span and moving the if statement around, but I can't get the itemCount styling to stay visible.
Any help appreciated
I'm wanting the "0" in the Report Count to be removed when there's no reports. I followed this thread: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/remove-zero-count-in-moderator-bar.29082/ - which works, but removes styling from the bubble when there's a report. I'm using a theme.
This is what it should look like:
This is what it looks like when I add <xen:if is="{$session.moderationCounts.total} !=0">
It's okay, but it doesn't really catch your eye and let you know that there's a report. I wanted to remove the bubble when there's no reports, because my theme always shows the red bubble, even when there's 0 reports.
This is my full code:
<xen:if is="{$session.moderationCounts.total} !=0"><strong class="itemCount {xen:if '({$session.reportCounts.total} AND {$session.reportCounts.lastUpdate} > {$session.reportLastRead}) OR {$session.reportCounts.assigned}', 'alert'}" title="{xen:if $session.reportCounts.lastUpdate, '{xen:phrase last_report_update}: {xen:datetime $session.reportCounts.lastUpdate}'}"></xen:if>
I've tried changing it to a span and moving the if statement around, but I can't get the itemCount styling to stay visible.
Any help appreciated