What is the story behind your avatar?

See that bird on the top right?​
Stylize it with some color & gradient overlay and you get my avatar.​
Here it is singing->
That's an actual picture of me, I've been using this persona for so long now that I have become Hagar. There are few traces of my previous existence left.
<--- Brian from Family Guy, a nice TV program. I cant use my avatar used on forums because it has something of vBulletin :P
A very beautiful part of the world, with a complex history and painful recent history, which hopefully will from now on be peaceful. :)

Thank you.
It's been a horrible war here, lots of trauma and tragedies to lots of relatives and people I've known.

Thankfully that's history now.
I'm known in most places online as Version2/SecondVersion (or SecondV) - a friend created it for me about 4 years ago.
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