What if the XF Like button was merged with the Facebook Like button?


Well-known member
Having 2 Like buttons is kinda weird for me.
How bout just one button, you click on the XF Like button and it not only does its XF duties but it then also works as a Facebook Like as well. Sending whatever information FB Like sends normally to Facebook.

Of course this would only have that effect if the forum was FB activated and the user has a FB account and is logged in.

The Like button would first complete its XF duties, then it would check if there is a FB account connected to the person clicking, if so then it sends it to FB, if not then nothing else happens.
Both like buttons have completely different uses; XenForo's post like is to add to post count, and show support for the post. Facebooks is to share the post on Facebook, and you don't always want to do so with posts you like.
People would get flooded with XF news feeds on Facebook. As much as I like XenForo, I don't want to be splattered with it everywhere I go. It's bad enough with the Like system Facebook released that I see my friends liking the most ridiculous things from sites like likewat.net and I can't hide/ignore it.

A simple like button for the thread is good enough.
I vote no on this as well. I do my best to stay off facebook but realize that facebook isn't going away so I have to keep that functionality separate for others to use.
No, there are two different use between the xf like and the facebook like. For prevent confusion, you can use the facebook share instead of the facebook like. ;-)
Ruven ... your idea is interesting ... I post too many likes here and would not want to spam FB ...

however it would be cool to have a MASTER BLASTER button ... one button and it sends out to all configured sites

ie Twitter, FB, Google Buzz, Digg etc etc :) 
facebook likes is a complicated thing. it gives a lot of power to the site which has been liked.

i have been waiting for a solid challenger to this like button from other services.

automattic has launched a like button but that is for their wordpress.com hosted blogs.

disqus has a like button but that is for blogs running their comment service.

there is no universal likes system that is not connected to something as personal as facebook.

even on twitter i have to think twice about liking something that i would not like to share with people who are following me!
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