What does Xenforo's Follow feature actually do?


Well-known member
What functionality is enabled when a forum member clicks the button to follow another forum member?
It also adds a bit to the members online widget to let you know when members you follow are online, by showing a list of their avatars.
I went into my ACP and tried to add "$xf.visitor.user_id" to the display conditions for the whatsNew navigation item. After saving, I get the following message when viewing the whatsNew item:
This navigation entry has been customized. When its associated add-on is upgraded, your changes will be maintained.

What does that mean? Also, why can't I edit the Title for this item?
Thanks. Looks like the phrase I needed is:


I changed the text for that one to "Following" and it changed the menu text as I wanted.
I wanted the anchor text for the nav link(s). You pointed me in the right direction. I've got it customized to my liking now. Thanks again.
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