What are the main benefits for ES and when do I need this?


Well-known member
OK. Tht title should say all.

My XF is fast, and my search results appear in less than two seconds. My Server never has a load above 0.5.

What do ES better than XF default?

I have german boad, so stemming is not an option for. That's sad. The stemming is based in Lucene, or in ES?
If you have over 1 million posts, then that is generally the point at which standard MySQL search starts struggling.

Enhanced Search also has additional benefits such as no minimum word length, a smaller stop word list, stemming, etc.
I have 1.6 Mio posts.
Does it find "more" oder "more correctly"? stemming ist in german not really working. Can it be disabled?
Is it possible to try it? Mybe you can set an option in this forum "Search with ES" and "Search without ES", so that we can see the differences, if there are some.
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