Weird editor behavior - font and line spacing


XF 1.5.6 — creating a new post, two issues:

1. The font in the editor shows as Times or Times New Roman, when by default it has always been a sans-serif.

2. When I press return for a new line it starts the new line further down as if it is double-spaced.

When I submit the post the font and line spacing are normal. The issue just appears in the editor.

I have cleared caches, logged out and back in, and refreshed the page — the issue remains.



Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at 6.48.37 AM.webp
I restarted my Mac and the issue appears to be gone, but I have a user who reported to me that it remains for him on Windows 7, 8, and 10. He has logged out and restarted as well and it continues to happen. Weird.
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