Webpagetest results for Xenforo.com on Xenforo 2.3

----Main criticisms ----

Final HTML (DOM) size is significantly larger than initially delivered HTML (1.11kb larger, or 0.5% of total HTML).
Typically this is due to over-reliance on JavaScript for generating content, but increases can also happen as a result of browsers normalizing HTML structure as well. Common issues such as JavaScript errors and third-party network delays and outages can present potential single points of failure.


Make the following changes to improve accessibility:
SERIOUS Elements Must Have Sufficient Color Contrast More Info
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.17 (foreground color: #1474b8, background color: #ebebeb, font size: 8.3pt (11px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1<span itemprop="name">Other XenForo discussions and feedback</span>


The main thread was blocked for 359 ms
When files block the main thread, users are unable to interact with the page content. Typically, parsing and executing large JavaScript files, as well as running long JavaScript tasks can block the main thread and should be avoided. These files had high thread blocking times:

67 ms: https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/preamble.min.js?_v=99f58bb3
377 ms: https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/core-compiled.js?_v=99f58bb3

28 static files have inadequate cache settings.

Cache settings can instruct browsers and intermediaries to store recent versions of a site's static files (JavaScript, CSS, Images, fonts...) for reuse, reducing page weight and latency.

WARNING (22.3 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/local/icons/regular.svg?v=1712165578
WARNING (22.3 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/local/icons/brands.svg?v=1712165578
WARNING (22.6 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/preamble.min.js?_v=99f58bb3
WARNING (22.6 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-logo.svg
WARNING (23.1 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/form.min.js?_v=99f58bb3_mt=undefined
WARNING (23.1 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/structure.min.js?_v=99f58bb3_mt=undefined
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-icon.png
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/action.min.js?_v=99f58bb3_mt=undefined
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-favicon.png
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/vendor/vendor-compiled.js?_v=99f58bb3
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/core-compiled.js?_v=99f58bb3
WARNING (23.2 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/regular/search.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (23.9 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/solid/caret-right.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/regular/bars.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/regular/bolt.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/regular/chevron-left.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/solid/user-circle.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/avatars/l/0/521.jpg?1701362629
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293636-31161aaecf19a0b1f972320e89f706ec.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293629-957aa0fadc4812fc3647a563491d0561.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293621-357ddf4a230fe440c8d2126294ebf0e0.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293622-f86c843a0fc4dbcf950c84ec5e90715f.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293623-1193b8dcffce9c7a70b68c18370c115b.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/regular/arrow-circle-up.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/data/attachments/293/293627-8d49f9a3ab804e2f63137af2ef70bc6f.jpg
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/styles/fa/solid/forward.svg?v=5.15.3
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/js/xf/tooltip.min.js?_v=99f58bb3_mt=undefined
WARNING (24.0 hours): https://xenforo.com/community/webmanifest.php


Images within the initial viewport are being lazy-loaded.
When images are lazy-loaded using loading="lazy", they will be requested after the layout is established, which is too late for images in the critical window.



9 externally-referenced CSS files are blocking page rendering.
By default, references to external CSS files will block the page from rendering while they are fetched and executed. Sometimes these files should block rendering, but can be inlined to avoid additional round-trips while the page is waiting to render. Sometimes, such as with stylesheets that are only used for loading custom fonts, inline or async CSS can greatly improve perceived performance.

1 JavaScript file is blocking page rendering.
By default, references to external JavaScript files will block the page from rendering while they are fetched and executed. Often, these files can be loaded in a different manner, freeing up the page to visually render sooner.


Q: are any of these "suggestions" valid ?

It's minorly interesting I had to adjust my contrast on my monitor today to see the slightly darker blue background and webpagetest complained about the colo(u)r differentiation.
I assume these WPT results aren't useful as Xenforo.com seems blazingly fast to me. Not sure how a website could be any faster, at least on Desktop Chrome.
Without getting too into the weeds, not really no. They're either difficult to meaningfully address, come with other performance trade-offs with multi-page sessions, and/or not very serious issues in practice. Not to say there's zero room for improvement, but the performance should already be pretty reasonable as it stands.

Also the cache TTL is set at the web server level and deliberately lower for this site.
My biggest gripe -- and there's no fix for it that will work for 'every' site, and thus isn't really possible to implement in the default skin, is that it takes a LONG time to actually get to content in the code.

1500-odd lines of html before we get to anything relevant to the thread (used this one as an example).


It can be fixed with some fancy css and place holder spaced divs, but that quickly makes it hard to navigate for the community who all has different height headers/logos/ non-fixed fonts, and so forth.

One of the key reasons why wordpress ranks so well is that their nav is on the right side bar. not the top, not the left. Other than a few lines of code for the header (default template) the content is so close to the top of the page.

I'm not suggesting xf do that, just an observation.
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