Fixed watched therad notifify-mail template bug


Active member
Affected version
When receive email with notification about new post in watched thread with message preview which contains attached image - in webmail client image not viewed because image-link is relative.
For example:
<img src="/data/attachments/0/2-638ec132320fd4f8caba3d5aaf178b80.jpg" class="bbImage " alt="clockwork_by_zy0rg-d4yyjny.gif" style="max-width: 100%;">

It is necessary to create the absolute link to preview mini-image

Affected template: bb_code_tag_attach
The problem placed in variable:

I think - incorrect work function getThumbnailUrl which use function applyExternalDataUrl which use request.pather which not create absolute url
Last edited:
I fixed it in: src/XF/App.php
in 'request.paths' function by changing string
'base' => rtrim($request->getBasePath(), '/') . '/',
replace getBasePath by getFullBasePath
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.1.10).

Change log:
Ensure full thumbnail URLs are used when rendering the ATTACH BB code, notably for rendering in emails.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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