Lack of interest Watch Resource/Thread

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Daniel Hood

Well-known member
When clicking to watch a resource or discussion thread, there should be an easier method of watching both. I suggest an addition to the overlay with something like "Would you also like to watch the resource?" when watching the thread and "Would you also like to watch the discussion thread?" when watching the resource. Right now you have to make a mental note to do both or potentially catch yourself accidently watching the wrong one.

Use case: I just almost watched a resource that I'm not interested in rather than a discussion thread that I am interested in.
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Yeah, but it'd be a subtle reminder of the action I'm performing (watching the resource instead of the thread) along with an opportunity to just watch both quickly. The issue wasn't that I was super against watching the resource, it just has less relevance to me than the discussion, therefore in my particular case I would have just checked to watch both.

Ideally the overlay would give me the opportunity to uncheck both alerts and emails for resources and instead check the thread options but now I figured that situation may be a stretch.
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