View who has read this thread (visible list near top)?


New member
I need a small add-on that would show on each thread which members have viewed and not viewed that thread, somewhere near the top of the page. It would be nice to have this list collapse-able.

I would like the ability to see this list of members to be permission based.

I realize this is probably a bad idea for any open membership or large forum.In my case the lists would be small, as membership would be very limited and local (i.e. business intranet).
Unfortunately, upon testing this, it's more for 'who has visited the site'. I'm looking to add the functionality of being able to show a list of: either who has 0r has not read the first post of a specific thread, visible on each thread's page or perhaps in some creative mouse-over fashion, up one level, on the subforum page. This is to facilitate mandatory reading, and to eliminate a log where people who have read the entry have had to initial each entry. I didn't see an option for putting the widget on thread pages, relevant only to each thread.
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