very specific register procedure


New member
Looking to set-up a closed/private forum.
Registration process should be as follows:
step 1: go to forum-site and click on "ask for an invite"
step 2: wannabe-user has to enter 2 e-mail-addresses
  • n° 1 (= very specific e-mail-domain which is owned only by my target audience) => verification code/link is sent to this address to verify they really belong to my target audience
  • n° 2 = e-mail-address which CAN be same as e-mail-address n°1 but can also be another address. Why ? Because not everyone from my target audience wants to use their unique professional e-mailaddress for receiving forum-communication.
After verification, e-mail-address n°1 is no longer used/can be deleted from database.
Any suggestions on how the above could be realised with XenForo ?
You can use the classic registration process only with the pro email you target, you manually validate or not the registration:
  • email is good: validation
  • email is bad: reject
Then users who want to change their email to another can do so on their account page.
Then users who want to change their email to another can do so on their account page.
Could this be "suggested" to users via a pop-up or something like that ?
So: once I validate their sign-up e-mailaddress, they can logon and get a "welcome message" in which I suggest to change their e-mail-address ?
You can automatically start a conversation with them to indicate that they can change their email if they want to.
Or display a notice to members whose email address contains 'xxxxxx', there is option for that in ACP.
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