XF 1.5 Very confused, please help!


Active member
I've tried to ask this question several times, but I don't seem to be asking it in the right way. If anyone can help me understand what's going on I would really appreciate it!

My conundrum is that if I place a photo in any of the sidebar templates it will automatically size itself according to the screen size, without me adding any code to make it do that. No matter what the screen size, the photo will always be in the same proportion to the rest of the content in the sidebar.

HOWEVER, if I place a photo in any of the other templates (any template outside the sidebar), the photo will NOT automatically size itself, and will break out of its container when viewed on a mobile device.

If anyone can explain why this is happening I would really appreciate it.
The sidebar template has its own wrapper which your image is probably inside of

what templates are you trying to edit other than sidebar?

All of the ad templates. I've played around with them all to see which ones I want to use. What's strange is if I set the dimensions to a percentage then they will scale just like the ones in the sidebar, so wouldn't there have to be a wrapper for that to happen?

Basically I'm just trying to find a single solution to format all my ads. I may just end up having to get an add on. Brogan suggested I apply the adsense responsive code in the resources, but I don't know how to apply that code to the ads I'm using, as I'm not using adsense.
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