vBSEO redirects


i switch from vbulletin 4 + vBSEO to xenForo. Now i want to redirect the old url's in the google index to the new xenForo URL's: http://www.google.de/#sclient=psy-a....,cf.osb&fp=2f285c08b7a2cb86&biw=1680&bih=946

I have used this script http://tools.geekpoint.net/xfseo/ and insert
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+-([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]
RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+.html showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L]

to my .htaccess
but the URL's still not redirect me to the new URL's

Best regards,
Alright seems the browser cache was messed up probably due to the fact that i've tried the redirect only with the same 3-4 links (although I cleared cache multiple times) and maybe vbseo had something to do with this as well as I cleared all the oldvb forum folder and I only left the redirect php files + htaccess. Next. I have accessed multiple forums from my old vb installation and started clicking a lot of threads and posts and seems to work flawless so thanks a lot @Jake Bunce. As people from other forums claim, xenforo has an awsome community support.

I'll bother you with one last thing. The generated vbseo redirect links don't have a rule for members so when accessing the old vb link http://forum.domain.com/members/jake/ it doesn't redirect to a xenforo url format.

Also is there a way to add a single rule for a nodes range ( 251,252,252,254,255 -> 251-255) to point to the second domain or each node requires a separate rule?
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I'll bother you with one last thing. The generated vbseo redirect links don't have a rule for members so when accessing the old vb link http://forum.domain.com/members/jake/ it doesn't redirect to a xenforo url format.


(the rules and PHP script will need to be updated appropriately for your forum)

Also is there a way to add a single rule for a nodes range ( 251,252,252,254,255 -> 251-255) to point to the second domain or each node requires a separate rule?

RewriteRule ^f(251|252|254|255)/[^/]+-([0-9]+)/ http://forum.domain2.com/threads/$2/ [R=301,L]

Just expand on that list inside of parenthesis, using a pipe delimiter.

Note that the $1 in the original rule was changed to $2 for this because the thread id is now matched by the second set of parenthesis.
Alright seems the browser cache was messed up...

FYI, this is not uncommon. In my experience Chrome is better about not caching these things. But in more recent versions I have had to open Chrome's inspector and enable the option to disable caching when the inspector is open. That way when the inspector is open I know that nothing will be cached (including URL redirects).
Working like a charm, thanks a lot for your help @Jake Bunce. I guess my vb > xenforo migration is now complete and it's the best decision I could take in years when it comes to forum software.

FYI, this is not uncommon. In my experience Chrome is better about not caching these things. But in more recent versions I have had to open Chrome's inspector and enable the option to disable caching when the inspector is open. That way when the inspector is open I know that nothing will be cached (including URL redirects).

You're right, it's not the first time I have seen this both on mozilla (which I usually use) and chrome even if I mad sure to delete cache from the very begining.
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