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VB4 URL Redirection - US$200 Donation

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Anthony Parsons

Well-known member
I will gladly donate US$200 to the person who can build a proper VB4 URL redirection script.

If you look at Paul M's VB4 importer, it brings in all blogs, cms, groups and forum data... the script needs to create the necessary redirection for any of the four URL types used in VB4 to the imported data via that already public script.

I request the script is public and supported... obviously tested via users here first in beta and ensure faults found and rectified, etc... then I will gladly donate the above money to the developer of the script.

<Added> This is time limited as I need this before 20 Nov 2010. If anyone is taking this on, then please let us know here so I know its in progress. After 20 Nov 2010 I retract the donation for this addon. If I know its in progress, then I am happy to extend the offer and wait if it can be released in Nov.
Blogs, CMS and groups? How come? XenForo does not have any equivalent of those.
Paul's VB4 converter in the addon section brings all content over and makes it forum content... that is the only reason.

Hell... if you can make it for forum only data across all four VB4 URL options... that would be acceptable as one great starting point, considering forum is the primary content that needs to be redirected.

I agree that for the majority, little traffic lose would occur on CMS, Blog and Group data, compared to forum data.
Just how much needs to be redirected? Would the existing vB3 redirection scripts improved to support the 4 types of vB4 URL be enough?
i would like someone to do his as soon as possible becuase i already imported my vb4 live site
Just how much needs to be redirected? Would the existing vB3 redirection scripts improved to support the 4 types of vB4 URL be enough?
Absolutely... if you can get the forum & thread URL's redirecting perfectly, that would be a good start and I would donate the above for that DI.

There is a 4.x mod_rewrite version someone tacked together, which may help you if you take this on to cover the mod_rewrite version: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/rewrite-rules-and-redirections-for-vb4-mod-rewrite-urls.5850/

Mine are mod_rewrite version, but I want something that is accurate, and hopefully works for a good majority.

If you can knock that out DI... cash is yours.

I added a cut-off date above, as I personally need this before the 20th Nov... at which point I withdraw the donation for this mod as I will otherwise suck up the traffic lose and just convert... but I would rather not endure that pain if possible.

If someone can start somewhere with a proper redirect, then atleast 4.x forum owners can redirect without issue. Something that covers all 4 URL types is optimal, as this is not just about me, but about trying to get a decent 4.x converter for many to use so they can drop VB4 faster.

Me personally, mine are hobby / passion based, and I don't sell anything on mine, so I can suck up the traffic lose, but some its their income... so I figure if the cash is up to help all, then that has to be a good thing for many, not just myself.

I think the basic and mod_rewrite URL versions are essential for a beginning to this (so first and last type in the VB URL selector).
Thanks DI... I will test it later this month... but sent you a PC already. It is working for others who are testing it. Already very aware of your work and know you provide great support, so I trust you will ensure any issues are fixed with it regardless.

Nice work and thanks for taking this on... very much appreciated.
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