vB3 Admin - Misc Inquiries about XenForo…


Well-known member
I have run vB3 for over a decade and am looking into XenForo now. I have requested a DEMO and played with it a bit, but don't quite understand a thing or two…

1)Under Display Location it states "These fields will never be displayed on a user's profile."
Does that mean PROFILE FIELDS can not be part of a users viewable profile? If so, it sort of defeats the purpose for our needs.

2)Is there anyway to import a set of choices for a drop-down selection?
I ask, because we run a bicycling website where each user declares their state/country & region within the state/country (i.e. N,NE,NW,S,SE,SW,E,W), so folks can sort of find one another. In vB3 I just copied/pasted a list of all States & Countries for my drop-down choices. In XenForo, it looks like you add each choice manually?

3)Also, is there a limit to the number of choices and if so what is that limit?(i.e. Enough for ALL States & Countries)
So you put everyone into the Primary Usergroup=Registered and then used Additional Usergroups to differentiate their other permissions in vB, and then imported? I guess what I'm asking is, if you put everyone into just Registered, how do you remember which members were bouncing emails, etc?
I dont remember exactly what I did, but I do remember moving users around and I did have have members in additional usergroups. Best to do a test run to see how the conversion converts your users.
I was curious what others though about this methodology? Is it a critical step in the conversion process, or is it pretty simple/easy to deal with imported usergroups from vB once in XenForo?

I would do this after conversion. The batch update is very easy in xenforo.

But for reference I kept a (closed) vbulletin forum up on my test server which I used for double checking numbers of members in each group and what each usergroup permissions were.

If you do it first you are going to want to close your vb forum anyway so may as well do it after migration.

The main thing to know about permissions is to think of registered as the basic (default)set of permissions for bog standard members as they sign up.

Then secondary groups inherit everything unless you override with allow or revoke (or never) on specific items.

It's a much more transparent system than vb once you get your head round it. For example a secondary usergroup may only have one permission that is different. Therefore when looking at the permissions you can at a glance see the one thing with a change from the default.
Yes, that's exactly how we would recommend doing it.
  1. ...
  2. Test XF for as long as you need to.
  3. Once ready, close VB3, wipe XF and then do the import again.
Another quick question, in order to 'wipe XF' do you mean you just get rid of the existing SQL database, create a new/empty one and leave everything else in place? Meaning you don't have to erase XF and re-install it again, so any add-ons and their configurations are ready-to-go with another import.
Meaning you don't have to erase XF and re-install it again, so any add-ons and their configurations are ready-to-go with another import.

"Probably best to close VB3 briefly (or work from a copy/backup of the VB3 database) and use the XF importer to bring that across."
Wipe that first import off.
Hmmm...I just happened to think, since installing add-ons involves changes to the SQL database (i.e. new data fields, etc.) wouldn't you lose them when you created a new/empty SQL file? If so, I assume one just re-installs them all afterwards? I'm trying to visualize 'where' the configuration data is stored for each add-on and assuming it's within the SQL database??
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