VB Postbit To XF

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In the process of moving by VB board to XF and looking for someone to help with converting over the styling in my post bit over to XF. If interested shoot me a PM and I can give some details on what I'm looking to do. Seems like it should be pretty easy to do.

Also this is a paying request looking to spend around $25-$30
In the process of moving by VB board to XF and looking for someone to help with converting over the styling in my post bit over to XF. If interested shoot me a PM and I can give some details on what I'm looking to do. Seems like it should be pretty easy to do.

If your referring to vb5 postbit I know @Russ replicated the styling look (postbit also) so you might want to contact him if nobody has come forward. The style in question >> http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xendisconnect-pixelexit-com.1461/
Here's the URL if people want to look at what I'm talking about: WWW.wrestlingsmarks.com

Obviously a lot of stuff going on there but I only want certain things carried over specifically the favorites icons and the boxing of the user info etc.
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