New member
I am currently using a plugin called Taiga Shoutbox for my XenForo install. I also have JFusion running, to a Joomla install, it's on the same host, same database, and same MySQL database. What I am trying to do, is embed my shoutbox, which is working fine and everything on my forums, on my Joomla install.
I tried iFrame, but the issue with that is, it loads the whole page, even if it's not viewable, so it kinda slows the page load of the Joomla install, also Joomla doesn't allow you to page coordinate, so it always shows the top of the page, not where the shoutbox is, so it kind of fails.
This is the code that normally embeds the shoutbox where ever you put it
How can I get that, or something similar, to run my shoutbox on my Joomla install?
Thanks in advanced for any help provided. If you need more info, feel free to ask.
I tried iFrame, but the issue with that is, it loads the whole page, even if it's not viewable, so it kinda slows the page load of the Joomla install, also Joomla doesn't allow you to page coordinate, so it always shows the top of the page, not where the shoutbox is, so it kind of fails.
This is the code that normally embeds the shoutbox where ever you put it
<xen:include template="dark_taigachat" />
How can I get that, or something similar, to run my shoutbox on my Joomla install?
Thanks in advanced for any help provided. If you need more info, feel free to ask.