XF 2.0 Using the entity to insert new records


Well-known member
I asked this question on the demo board, but the board was closed before I could get an answer I understand.

Below is my entity that i am trying to insert into. The form needs to be available for any registered user. I am trying to figure out the XF2 way of doing things. Using procedural PHP it isn't very difficult to do a prepared statement. I am just a little confused on what I need to put into my controller (I assume the same controller as the page) to insert new records into the database.

Can someone give me a quick sample on how I would do this?

class Predictions extends \XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity
    public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
        $structure->table = 'player_predictions';
        $structure->shortName = 'XF:Predictions';
        $structure->primaryKey = 'prediction_id';
        $structure->columns = [
            'prediction_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'autoIncrement' => true, 'changeLog' => false],
            'user_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'maxLength' => 8, 'changeLog' => false],
            'player_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'maxLength' => 8, 'changeLog' => false],
            'man_college_id' => ['type' => self::UINT, 'maxLength' => 4, 'changeLog' => false],
            'confidence' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 64, 'default' => '', 'changeLog' => false],
            'date_added' => ['type' => self::STR, 'default' => '', 'changeLog' => false]
        $structure->getters = [
            'date' => true
        $structure->relations = [
            'Player' => [
                'entity' => 'CIS\Backend:Player',
                'type' => self::TO_ONE,
                'conditions' => 'player_id',
                'primary' => true
             'CollegeTeam' => [
                'entity' => 'CIS\Backend:CollegeTeam',
                'type' => self::TO_ONE,
                'conditions' => 'man_college_id',
                'primary' => true
            'User' => [
                'entity' => 'XF:User',
                'type' => self::TO_ONE,
                'conditions' => 'user_id',
                'primary' => true

        return $structure;

    //Get date
    public function getDate()
        $string = date_create($this->date_added);
        return date_format($string,"M d, Y");

I am a beginner with XF2 too, so I hope I am not wrong.

First, I think you should use Singular for your Entity: Prediction

Next, the shortname should be YourName\Predictions:Prediction

In your controller:
$prediction = \XF::em()->create('YourName\Predictions:Prediction');


Do validation and set the values on your $prediction object.


Your can learn a lot of the XF2 Classes and copy or use their methods. I looked at Thread and Post classes for my content type, but they are the most complex ones (as expected).
I am a beginner with XF2 too, so I hope I am not wrong.

First, I think you should use Singular for your Entity: Prediction

Next, the shortname should be YourName\Predictions:Prediction

In your controller:
$prediction = \XF::em()->create('YourName\Predictions:Prediction');


Do validation and set the values on your $prediction object.


Your can learn a lot of the XF2 Classes and copy or use their methods. I looked at Thread and Post classes for my content type, but they are the most complex ones (as expected).

Thank you, that makes sense and works perfectly.
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