XF 1.5 Using phrase by_x in message template, doesn't output data


Well-known member
I'm creating a custom layout for the message template, and wanted to place "By: *author name*" without hardcoding "By:". The only phrase I found was "by_x", however this only outputs
By: {name}
in the front end. I'm guessing there's a variable that would have to be called for this template, or is there another method to accomplish doing this?
Thanks for the reply Jeremy, not sure if I'm missing something but entered this in a span and it only reprinted the code back out as is. To clarify I'm placing this right inside the <li class="message"> in message template, trying to do this:

My apologies, just realized this is for XF 1.x...
{xen:phrase by_x, 'name={xen:helper username, $user}'}
Thanks, ended up I had to modify this just one step and
{xen:phrase by_x, 'name={$message.username}'}
did the trick!
Much appreciated
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