XF 2.1 Users don't receive emails on ALL replies on a watched topic


Active member

Some users have reported that they don't always receive email when a reply is posted on a topic they are watching.

The email is setup and working perfectly. No errors within the admin area, no errors in postfix logs.

Now I need to verify whether this is normal or not. If I watch a topic, am I supposed to receive an email on every reply done after my last one? How does it work?

Yes the users have the option: "Automatically watch content you interact with… and receive email notifications" enabled.

Thanks in advance
No. You should receive a notification for the FIRST unread reply to a watched thread. You won't receive additional notifications until you log in and revisit that thread.

If it weren't done this way, on a busy thread you could have a lot of irate members with dozens of emails about the same thread - and that's just begging to have your email address blacklisted for spam.
It'd be great if there was an option to enable email notification on all replies on staff member accounts.
I have a (paid) add-on which allows this functionality;
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