XF 2.1 Users can't be edited from admin panel after upgrade to XenForo 2.1.4


Hi all!

Yesterday we upgraded the board from 1.5.24 and the upgrade was smooth. However, we came to a very strange issue. Admins are not able to edit their own or other admins accounts, but they can still edit other users' accounts. We rebuilt all caches, checked all user group permissions, but the issue is still not resolved. We disabled listeners, and still the same result. On a replica board that was upgraded too the issue does not exist. During user caches rebuild there was an error: Error: Call to a member function rebuildUserFieldValuesCache() on null src/XF/Job/User.php:52 We followed the steps in this post https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ashes-after-2-0-4-update.146649/#post-1247205 (ran the queries), the cache rebuild process went ok after it, but the issue with accounts is still the same https://prnt.sc/pnd710

Contacted XenForo support too. Posting here to see if anyone else had similar issue or there are any thoughts what can cause it.

Thank you all in advance.
When I remove a user from Administrators his account become editable for me (I can save it), when I add him back in Administrators as Super Administrator, his account is not editable for me.
To edit an administrator you must enter your password at the top of the page, and you will usually receive an error when you fail to do so. What exactly happens when you try to edit an administrator?
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