User Upgrades by Waindigo [Deleted]

Does the new 1.3.1 update with the individual paypal email address interfere with your paypal email address for each sub?
There is no change in how this has worked previously, if there is an individual PayPal email entered in the user upgrade this will take priority over the primary PayPal email address set in the options.
If I de-activate a User-Upgrade, its still showing up and allowing people to purchase it. I am using User Coupons too.
If I de-activate a User-Upgrade, its still showing up and allowing people to purchase it. I am using User Coupons too.
I can't replicate this issue on my test site, what settings does the user upgrade have? Does the problem still occur if Upgrade Coupons is disabled?
Yes - It still does it with Upgrade Coupons disabled - Here is a screenshot:

This shows BF3 Disabled Both of them:


But here they are:

i am unsure if this could be added in but:


i do not see this:

my site is growing and it has reached to a point where some paying members are trying to get there money back even though it clearly states certain rules in the Terms and conditions.

it prompt when the user wishes to create and account but i wish to have it also on the form where the user wishes to subscribe to our VIP.
also many of my VIP members have been having issues with Auto Reoccurring payments saying theat the payment doesnt go through/auto renew and there paypal accounts get suspended beacuse the payment fails to do through on that date and then i have to manually cancel/unsuspend there accounts on my paypal..

now i was reading up here on paypal:

i noticed you can increase the MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS field in the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile request

but i was think maybe after a certain amount of failed payments can there susbscription be Auto Canceled? some how?

would this be a paypal request code or something that could be coded into the add one? and i would need it to apply on the site meaning them demoted back to normal member and canceled on my paypal profile. after x many failed attempts on renewing the subscription. <-- i really need a solution to this i am loosing VIP members fast due to this...

since most cannot be bothered to auto re-subscribe... + some cannot subscribe because there accounts are suspended...
also having a search bar in here would be nice:


would be easier to find the specific member and either check there subscription details or edit them

or add a subscription tab in here if the member currently belongs to any paid services on the site and view + tweak them there:


also i been getting a lot of issues with members who have subscribed before the add one was installed. meaning members who subscribed using the default version of user upgrades by xenforo are having issues

where the auto renewal is not working or they choose to cancels there subscription but they get this error here:

like the link for cancel has changed when using the user upgrades by waindigo add one instead

ok in relation to the above errors when i said users who paid for VIP Subscription before i had the add one enabled and now those users having issues with reoccurring subscriptions

please implement back would compatibility thanks:

i removed all the sensitive info for this example

    Information: No txn_id. No action to take.

    Unknown Account

    Only log entries that involve a successful payment will be attached to a user and user upgrade.

    Unknown Upgrade

    Yesterday at 7:05 AM

Subscriber ID:

txn_type     subscr_cancel
item_name     Account Upgrade: VIP Upgrade Monthly Subscription [Recurring] (Ettienne)
recurring     1
payer_status     verified
reattempt     1



also sometimes not sure how it happens but VIP users slip through the tracks what i mean is...


now here is shows 66 total users that belong to the user group VIP


and there are only 64 active in the user active upgrades are so two slipt thought cracks due to some error or malfunction...

now is there any way you could make this process easier for me?

such as have sort by user name filter in the active user upgrades area?

or include a like a label active subscription when i search for users with the usergroup VIP?

or if i search for any users in any group if they have and active subscription there will be label next to there email after there name when searching for large amounts of users at the same time..

or even better have a button/function where i can run to run a check for all active subscriptions and compare all the users in that user group if they belong in the subscription list if not remove the ones that do not belong int he list...
Last edited:
I'm trying to use this nice addon with [bd] paygates (It offer custom payment gateways and currencies) but it seems your addon replaces the whole template which [bd] paygates modifies as well.
Would you please check this post?
I'm trying to use this nice addon with [bd] paygates (It offer custom payment gateways and currencies) but it seems your addon replaces the whole template which [bd] paygates modifies as well.
Would you please check this post?
If you are interested in contributing to this, please drop me a PM.
This is normal. Nothing strange going on here.

and there are only 64 active in the user active upgrades are so two slipt thought cracks due to some error or malfunction...
Unable to replicate this, so not a lot I can do about it. Are you sure some members haven't just been assigned those user groups?

now is there any way you could make this process easier for me?

such as have sort by user name filter in the active user upgrades area?

or include a like a label active subscription when i search for users with the usergroup VIP?

or if i search for any users in any group if they have and active subscription there will be label next to there email after there name when searching for large amounts of users at the same time..

or even better have a button/function where i can run to run a check for all active subscriptions and compare all the users in that user group if they belong in the subscription list if not remove the ones that do not belong int he list...
Happy to add any of these features. Please PM me to discuss contributing.
also having a search bar in here would be nice:


    Information: No txn_id. No action to take.

    Unknown Account

    Only log entries that involve a successful payment will be attached to a user and user upgrade.

    Unknown Upgrade

    Yesterday at 7:05 AM

Subscriber ID:

txn_type     subscr_cancel
item_name     Account Upgrade: VIP Upgrade Monthly Subscription [Recurring] (Ettienne)
recurring     1
payer_status     verified
reattempt     1

This is normal. Nothing strange going on here.

are you 100% sure?

ok let me try explain this better..

say a user subscribed for monthly VIP without this add one first installed using the default xenforo user upgrades system

and it was working fine

till i installed your add one replacing the default xenforo user upgrade system

now still preserving the user current upgrades but on the day on renewal payment is made and then some kind of code is sent back to my site saying renew this user...

but since the old system was replaced by your system this system doesn't know how to handle the request as it cannot find that users unqie ID because the old system used this and the new one doesn't...

now this may not be 100% right but this how i am seeing these errors that people who have subscribed using the system prior the version of this add one that replaced it are having issue's

and same thing happens to those who subscribe with this add one enabled and then i disable it they get same issue that there subscription fails to renew properly...

so are you 100% sure that user upgrades by waindigo should not experience such issues as described in the above scenario...

and would work even if a user has upgraded prior this add one of being installed?

as for the features i will Pm you when i get the time as i am very busy with collage atm..
As far as I am aware, the server will receive two requests -- one saying payment received, and one with other information in it. Since XenForo can do everything it needs to with the payment received request, it can safely ignore the second information notification.

I am not 100% sure that there are no issues (there may be unrelated issues), but I don't think what you are describing is an issue.
Having an issue getting the member into the correct usergroup once they pay and upgrade. The settings are in the screen shot attached, however, the members are NOT put into the Primary group that is checked, they are put in the secondary group despite nothing being checked in that field. Any thoughts on this?



  • screen.webp
    55.9 KB · Views: 6
The options are not primary and secondary. The options refer to whether or not the upgrade is permanent or just until the upgrade expires. All user groups will be secondary.
Ok so even though it says "Permanent" user group and the Platinum is checked, the system is putting the user into the Platinum membership in the "Additional" user group, where nothing is checked to do so....that's how it should work you are saying?
I'm not quite sure I understand what you are saying. Perhaps multiple screenshots would explain it better?
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