XF 1.5 User Title Ladder vs User Banner

Movie Prop Sites

Active member
We have our User Title Ladder bound to Trophy Points to apply a user title to each member.

However, if a user belongs to any group that contains a user banner (essentially every group except Registered), the banner replaces the User Title from the Title Ladder. Is there a setting we can apply that will stack the User Title above any User banners instead of the banner replacing the User title?
@Brogan, I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Here is an example. Top user is in a "Premium Members" User group that has the blue User Banner attached to the group. Bottom user is only in the Registered user group which has no User banner assigned. Bottom user is getting "New Member" from the User Title Ladder. Top user doesn't show a User Title from the User Title Ladder.

All of my usergroups have "Use the Default User Title Ladder" radio button checked on User Title Override.

What I am trying to achieve is seeing that top user have both the User Title from the User Title Ladder displayed AND the Premium Member banner displayed. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

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