User Streams [Deleted]


Renari submitted a new resource:

User Streams (version 1.0.0) - Shows a sidebar with users current live streams.

Allows users to specify their stream in their profile upon which the forum will check if their stream is live. If it is their stream will be shown in the sidebar.

By default this updates every half hour, you may want to adjust this depending on the size of your board. You can find a log of how long it took the cron to run in the root of your forum. The speed of the cron should never exceed the time taken for the cron to run, you'll end up with overlapping cron jobs and it will make the...

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so what exactly does this do? It puts the users stream on their profile page and then keeps a list of all of the streams live from the boards user in the sidebar?
Sorry I found a small bug I'll reupload it in a bit after I fix it. My question here is related to this. If you installed the current version I suggest uninstalling it for now as it doesn't function correctly. All users that are streaming will be output as the same user. In my development I only tested this with a single user (me) however upon installing it on a live site I noticed users being listed multiple times.
Could you possibly change the add-on so when the side panel shows a live stream, when you hover over it, it shows the user it belongs to in it's title, and when you click on it, it creates a shadowbox with the stream with an option to pop it out into it's own window?
Could you possibly change the add-on so when the side panel shows a live stream, when you hover over it, it shows the user it belongs to in it's title, and when you click on it, it creates a shadowbox with the stream with an option to pop it out into it's own window?

You're able to do this yourself, the template for the streams is there and all of the users stream data is passed to that template. It's just a matter changing the template the way you described. Also you shouldn't be using this release of the addon there was a bug that prevented it from functioning.
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