Hi !
I use Xen for a while now on some of my communities , and i'm looking for upgrading to Xen 2.0
Actually, one of my community used a custom xenforo php bridge like this :
(find this script before on community forums, can't find it now)
In Xen2.0, is something better to get sessions on the external part of my community ?
I use Xen for a while now on some of my communities , and i'm looking for upgrading to Xen 2.0
Actually, one of my community used a custom xenforo php bridge like this :
(find this script before on community forums, can't find it now)
$startTime = microtime(true);
$fileDir = '/{somepath}/xenforo';
require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');
XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime);
public function getVisitor() {
return XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
$user = $this->getVisitor();
In Xen2.0, is something better to get sessions on the external part of my community ?