XF 1.5 User registration via API


Active member
Hello xenforo Geeks

i have forum its something like not for public. i don't want to register any user via a regular system.
there is any possibilities to add user using a custom script ?

Reasons : i have some mods registration is totally paid . me or maybe some team staff of website will be creating users on site on demand. so users will able to access .
its looks stupid but i want this .
i don't want manual approval of users etc . i already know other things i need what i asked only
I wouldn't say stupid and there's lots of reasons.

Like a game developer, who needs a forum but doesnt want or need to build one.

So how to tackle this?

Many people intergrated other services like steam into their login/registration. (Oauth type login).

You could possibly have a custom script built that checks a pre-existing db.

So it does depend on what you have already and what you need.

Xenforo has no API, unless it is by extension/mod. But xenforo is so easy to extend the parts you need...
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