User registration security


New member
Hello Xenforo

Could you please tell me what security measures I can turn on / put in place to stop people signing up and destroying my forum with spam?

I had my first very bad spam attack today and banned the users/removed the damage manually, but I cannot have that continue to happen.... its a new forum as it is so bad stuff like that is really going to deter new members

Please let me know how to secure the forum against that?

Best regards

PS I have gone into banned email addresses and put '.ru' - because a LOT of the people who have spammed me in the past have used .ru email addresses. Will this stop all .ru emails from regging?
Have you checked your anti-spam settings?

You should enable them all and increase their sensitivity.

I use @tenants anti-spam add-ons on ALL my XenForo forums (still need to get the unbranded cost paid for two of them - not because I mind the branding but because he's a good developer that should be compensated).
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