User question


Well-known member
OK... this is kinda weird I know, but on 2 of my forums I have the same user signed up with the same user name. The first forum had him sign up 05/15/2013, the second forum (totally unrelated topic to the first) on 08/14/2013. No posts and no further visits on either forum. The username he signed up with was MaxLexandre with an email of <email removed>. I noticed that there is a user here with the username of Lexandre with the same DOB and he signed up in 05/2013. No posts by that user either and no additional visits.
Does anyone else have a user that fits that bill? Reason I'm curios is it smells a LOT like a human spammer, but before I do a discourage on him I was wondering if he was hitting other xenForo forums. He hasn't hit the third forum yet, but it hasn't been out that long and there are no other users and very few posts on it.
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Have they confirmed their email accounts? You can alwyas email him. I looked up his email on and I got no results.
You might not want to post the email adresses of your users online, not everyone might like that.
I don't think he's a "real" user, and so many gmail address are throw-away's. That's also why I did NOT do the full email address and used "at". He's on discouraged now as it is, so I'm not to worried about it.

EDIT: found a gmail+ account that corresponds, so guess he's a real person. Have asked to have his email address edited out via a moderator (since I can't) or the topic deleted.
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Doing an absolute search on Google, I see a tad over 700 listings. I saw one on the first SERP where he or she had posted about PS Vitas and something else.
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