Fixed User group promotions > User field criteria > Preferences settings... Doesn't carried over during XF 1.5 to 2.0 upgrade


Well-known member
Affected version
To be exact, from XenForo 1.5.22 upgrading to v2.0.10 doesn't import my config/settings.

XF 1.5

XF 2.0

Same thing happen on Apply this promotion while... > Connected accounts
Is that criteria from an add-on, it's not part of the core? If so, has the add-on been updated to an XF2 compatible version? You would need to post in the discussion forum for that add-on regarding this.
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Based on the title, I think that's a custom user field named "Access Hidden Forum Section:".

If reproducable, this would be a bug (though I haven't had an opportunity to confirm it yet).
Thank you for reporting this issue. The issue is now resolved and we are aiming to include that in a future XF release (2.0.11).

Change log:
Migrate user field criteria during upgrade from XF 1.x to 2.x
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
Just to confirm, what version did you upgrade from? There is code to fix this, though due to various circumstances, there are a few situations where it might not have been hit.
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