Use of Sliding login on Wordpress


Well-known member
Im looking for use Wordpress and then a bridge to XF

The issue is that XF has a very good looking slide login at the top, but i would like to integrate it to wordpress also, to keep the same wordpress and XF style (if the login box is on the forum and not in the portal they seems different sites)

Its any way to call from wordpress, the function or the slide login of XF?

Thank you very much :)
It really wouldn't be easy at all. Because it's not like I took a static copy of the Xenforo html/css for the slider and just dropped it in a theme, I literally built the theme from the dynamic html/css that loads from Xenforo, and then just plugged the few bits that Wordpress needs in (the loop, the sidebar etc)
When our WP theme is done, I can hire you to get the login part to work with our XF skin, right? ;)
When our WP theme is done, I can hire you to get the login part to work with our XF skin, right? ;)
I'm not even sure how I would do it with an existing theme :P Are you using any type of bridge? That might make it possible.

On the hiring me front I'm really getting away from Freelancing at the moment. I have a job with an amazing web development company now where I don't have to be Account Manager, Project Manager, Designer, Front End Developer and Back End Developer all at the same time. It's almost heaven.
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