Fixed Upgrade error


Well-known member
Affected version
2.0 Beta 1
XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'trophy_id' in 'where clause' in src\XF\Db\AbstractStatement.php at line 183
  1. XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement.php at line 34
  2. XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->prepare() in src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement.php at line 44
  3. XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->execute() in src\XF\Db\AbstractAdapter.php at line 67
  4. XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->query() in src\XF\Db\AbstractAdapter.php at line 228
  5. XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->update() in src\XF\Install\Upgrade\2000010-200a.php at line 2173
  6. XF\Install\Upgrade\Version2000010->step42() in src\XF\Install\Controller\Upgrade.php at line 152
  7. XF\Install\Controller\Upgrade->actionRun() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 232
  8. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 85
  9. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 41
  10. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src\XF\App.php at line 1771
  11. XF\App->run() in src\XF.php at line 319
  12. XF::runApp() in install\index.php at line 14
Solves by removing the trophies containing the following conditions: "User arrived on this site from a search engine" and "User is browsing with the following style" before updating and this is a bug.
This is fixed now. Note that those criteria never worked in XF1 and shouldn't have been applied to trophies or promotions.
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