XF 2.1 Update to 2.1.3 and lost message box, dropdown and modal window


For a custom theme (the default theme works properly) with the latest upgrade to Xenforo 2.1.3, the message box (which is where I am typing), the dropdown capability from the nav bar and modal window that opens when you click your username in the upper right hand corner have all disappeared.

Viewing source code shows that the proper html is there.

Also getting the following in the console window:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'has' of undefined
    at w.fn.init.onPassive (core-compiled.js?_v=88f63a3d:9)
    at core-compiled.js?_v=88f63a3d:81
    at core-compiled.js?_v=88f63a3d:82
    at core-compiled.js?_v=88f63a3d:162


thread.min.js?_v=88f63a3d:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'newHandler' of undefined
    at thread.min.js?_v=88f63a3d:1
    at thread.min.js?_v=88f63a3d:5

Here is a video showing the issue:

Yes, I have reached out to the theme designer. Given that it is a Friday night, not expecting to hear back anytime soon.

Any ideas on what to do to resolve.

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