Cannot reproduce unspecified error

I need the network read out because I need to see the exact URL, the response code, and what was returned by the server (and possibly the data that was sent). It's unlikely that any errors are being logged, so the data generally appears to "fit", but I need to see exactly what's going on to possibly have any idea where to start. (Just to make it clear, you'll need to expand the correct network connection and possibly screenshot a few tabs of it.)

Note that you can probably have Firebug on but minimized. I believe it should still record things.
I spent over an hour trying to reproduce this. And honestly, firebug does slow down my experience.

I'm going to assume that this was fixed at some point as you happily coded along. And if not, it happens so rarely far in between.....

FIXED or Cannot Reproduce is where I'm leaving this.
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