Two-column layout for a post content


Dear community,
Is there any addon that would allow us to create two-column layout in editor (post content)?
Some custom BBCODE?
Or maybe possibility to put custom class on
to make it borderless (via extra.less)? (Custom class because I don't want to make every table borderless).

XenForo 2.1
Yes, but it shows border. For two-column layout, It'd like to get rid of them (but not for all tables, so i can just style td in table html node. I need to put some class name in table to distinguish them.
.bbTable>table>thead>tr>td, .bbTable>table>tbody>tr>td {
background: #fefefe;
border: 1px solid #d8d8d8; <-------------- make this your bg color
padding: 3px;
.bbTable>table>thead>tr>td, .bbTable>table>tbody>tr>td {
background: #fefefe;
border: 1px solid #d8d8d8; <-------------- make this your bg color
padding: 3px;
Please, read the post again :) I don't want to get rid of border for all tables in posts, but the only one that would like to act as "layout holder". So, some of them needs to be border less and some of them not. Your solution will clear border in all of them. That's why I need to add some CSS class.
The only thing that is going to my mind is to create custom BB code like [BTABLE] which will generate <div> with some class and then - table inside can be border less.
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