XF 2.2 Troubles adding a code snippet to page header


Since Adsense has shut me off for some time after illegal clicks or something, I wanted to try out Ezoic.
I'm struggling with the simple task of adding an external .js along with 1 line of js to the <head>-section.

I've tried adding it to helper_js_global right below <!--XF:JS-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//go.ezoic.net/ezoic/ezoic.js"></script>

I've tried adding this to PAGE_CONTAINER just above </head>
<xf:js src="//go.ezoic.net/ezoic/ezoic.js"  />

Also tried it in a seperate template, and added
<xf:include template="ezoic" />

And I can't get it to work. After adding it and reloading the forum my console says "XF core has been double loaded" and the pages are broken.
Anyone got an idea what's wrong here?
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First, revert the changes you've made so far.

Now go to PAGE_CONTAINER and add this just before the /head tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//go.ezoic.net/ezoic/ezoic.js"></script>
Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately the result is the same as my previous attempts. I'm assuming the js i'm trying to include is conflicting with something else.
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