Tried searching for hours but this place is a maze please help on what this plugin is.


Can anyone please advise what plugins are used here, I have searched for hours and only found one thing so far that slighlty resembles the Anonymous plugin but no luck with the gallery type view of threads, I assume that this option is only for the latest Xenforo by utilizing the Article type forum/node but it does not show the views and what not as the screen shot. Trying to allow all anonymous users to be able to post without registering and auto posting as Anonymous when they post and upload images etc.

Thanks everyone
Is this any use to you...

Is this any use to you...

Yes that is the one i found thank you for that. Any ideas what that addon is above in my screen shot though? it shows the modified image view when people click a node/forum showing the view count and image etc.
All third party add-ons are listed here:

However, it's impossible to tell what it is from a screenshot.

Inspecting the code can sometimes help.

Otherwise, ask the site owner.
Thank you i did inspect the code prior to this post and could not find anything at all. The only thing that was of substance to search was, (First message reaction score:) (pairs pairs--justified) class="pairs pairs--justified structItem-minor" Hope it sparks a memory for someone reading this. Thank you everyone for helping and taking the time to read this post.
All third party add-ons are listed here:

However, it's impossible to tell what it is from a screenshot.

Inspecting the code can sometimes help.

Otherwise, ask the site owner.

That's standard XF template code.
Is there anything i should be looking for in the source code that would be a obvious pointer for the addon? I am guessing its just a minor template edit to show the amount of people that viewed the node to get the small eye and numbers and the page width. The site has since vanished so cant contact them unfortunately. Thank you for taking the time to reply most kind of you.
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