RM 1.1 Total downloads including versions


Active member
Version 1.1.6

When you add a new version of a resource, you get some more information on the RHS blocks. You get the standard box:

But then you also get one below it called:
Version 1.1

The information says total downloads and the Version 1.1 says Downloads. What do they mean? If the information one says 100 and Version 1.1 says 10. Does that mean total downloads of 110 or 100?

Thanks :-)

The block at the top is total downloads for all versions.

The version specific block is downloads for that version, which is included in the total downloads.

Ok i see. So when you release a new version, typically the total downloads will increase too. Even if they are the same original users/downloaders downloading the version? I guess so, as the download number increases regardless of this. So a user could download it twice and the number go up by 2.

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