XF 1.4 Top dropdown menu fails to close


Well-known member
Hi all,

If my mouse moves over the menu item - in my case FORUMS and MEMBERS - they will open and stay opened. If I move over BOTH, they both stay open. Hmmmm....


Is there a way to fix this? It's becoming a real annoyance, and for a heavily used forum, it will certainly create discontent and frustration. I tried clicking somewhere else on the page, but it's doing nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


As the ACP uses the default XenForo style, it may not be style-related.
If you disable all add-ons, does the issue disappear?

I think I found the issue then: I am using WOWslider, and one of the settings is BLAST. I takes over the page, so I'll try to disable that one and see if it fixes it.

Well, the WowSlider appears (the "loading/transitions" applet?) may be causing an issue, or some other script it is using. At first you can click something on the page, but after two click, you can't click any link, whether image or text. Very strange...

If I access a page from the portal called Create news article, then everything works perfectly. But that's not the portal page...

I'll have to find myself another carousel/slider...


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