Giving members the option to build their own Top 10 list that are displayed when you visit their profile.
Member Level
Member can select/assign 10 threads, 10 posts, 10 media items, to be in their personal top 10 lists.
If the member finds a thread they really like, they can assign it to the #1 slot in their top 10 [Top Thread List].
If the member finds a photo they kind of like, they can assign it to their #5 slot in their [Top Photo List].
Based on the communities rankings in their top 10 lists threads, posts, and media are assigned a score.
Site Level
The site could have Top 10 lists based on the members in their community.
This might be a good option to determine what featured content would be displayed.
This should have a way to be edited by the site owners if required.
Consider movies, (SciFi site) like @Davyc if I visit his site as a new visitor at a minimum I would be able see what the community/site thinks the Top 10 movies are and whether or not I've seen them. When I register, i can go through and build my own Top Ten Movie list. To share with the community and if I like someone's comments or style I can see what their top 10 movies are.
Giving members the option to build their own Top 10 list that are displayed when you visit their profile.
Member Level
Member can select/assign 10 threads, 10 posts, 10 media items, to be in their personal top 10 lists.
If the member finds a thread they really like, they can assign it to the #1 slot in their top 10 [Top Thread List].
If the member finds a photo they kind of like, they can assign it to their #5 slot in their [Top Photo List].
Based on the communities rankings in their top 10 lists threads, posts, and media are assigned a score.
Site Level
The site could have Top 10 lists based on the members in their community.
This might be a good option to determine what featured content would be displayed.
This should have a way to be edited by the site owners if required.
Consider movies, (SciFi site) like @Davyc if I visit his site as a new visitor at a minimum I would be able see what the community/site thinks the Top 10 movies are and whether or not I've seen them. When I register, i can go through and build my own Top Ten Movie list. To share with the community and if I like someone's comments or style I can see what their top 10 movies are.
- Has this been developed already?
- If no, would someone be willing to develop it?
- Interested in this type of Add-On: Add a "Like" to show your interests to the developers?