You can do that with a custom BB Code.
Very much appreciated, thank you. I was experimenting with this and realized that a hint is required so the reader knows to do a mouseover. I just wrapped the BB code syntax using the editor's color tool because my hacks at trying to include color in your HTML code failed:
It is great that the cursor doesn't change so the reader knows (or learns) not to click on it.
Syntax hack in example above:
[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)][tooltip="Built-ln Breathing System"]BlBS[/tooltip][/COLOR]
IF the tooltip suggestion is accepted, it would be ideal if the color for hyperlinks were also included.
Thinking out loud: I wonder if the syntax would be better if it was closer to HTML's for adding a tooltip to a url?
<a href="https://www.scubaboard.com" title="Click for ScubaBoard’s Home Page">Tons of information on Scuba diving</a>
I imagine xenForo would have a popup dialog box like they do for links in the editor so the BB code syntax wouldn't matter so much.